Terms and Conditions

The information contained within this business summary is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities described herein. An offering will only be made only by delivery of all the requisite offering documents including a Private Placement Memorandum. You should read the Private Placement Memorandum (including each of its Exhibits) and other offering documents in their entirety to understand fully all the implications and risks of any offering of securities. An investment should be made only after careful review of all the offering documents. The information contained herein is subject to the representations provided in the offering documents.

This business summary includes forecasts, projections, and other predictive statements based on assumptions and expectations made considering currently available information, historical property performance, industry trends, and market conditions. Actual performance may differ from these projections, and they are not a guarantee of future results. Moreover, past performance is no guarantee of future results, and there can be no assurance that any of the properties will perform in a similar manner to the examples described herein. No guarantee is presented or implied as to the accuracy of specific forecasts, projections, or predictive statements contained herein. This only provides general preliminary information, which is subject to change. Only the relevant offering documents should be relied upon when considering the purchase of securities.